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Figma Tech Stack: 10 Reasons Why Designer Need To Use

Sviatoslav Nytka
UI/UX Designer at TechMagic with a passion for visually stunning interfaces. Proven speaker. Guided by creativity, empathy, and data-driven design.
Figma Tech Stack: 10 Reasons Why Designer Need To Use

Have you been searching for a reliable and rational solution to streamline your design process? Look no further than Figma.

Imagine seamlessly integrating all the essential design features into a single, web-based application that works effortlessly across various devices. Whether you're developing a website, a mobile app, or a digital platform, Figma equips you with the necessary features, from prototyping and wireframing to collaborative design and real-time feedback.

Now, let's take a moment to explore some statistics about Figma that highlight its rapid growth:

  • In just over a year, Figma's valuation skyrocketed from $2 billion to a staggering $10 billion. This exponential growth is a testament to its industry impact and unrivaled potential.
  • With a user base exceeding 4 million worldwide, Figma has garnered immense popularity, cementing its position as a force to be reckoned with in the design community.

These statistics paint a clear picture of Figma's popularity and validate its status as a global go-to tool. But why exactly has Figma captured the hearts? The answer lies in its combination of power, simplicity, and the seamless integration of essential design features—all within a single product.

Today, we invite you to explore Figma definition, the top 10 reasons why Figma has become our go-to design tool at TechMagic, and why it should be yours too. Let's get started!

What is Figma?

Figma, a cloud-based design and user interface tool, has taken the design world by storm since its launch in 2016. What sets Figma apart from traditional design software is its accessibility and ease of use. With Figma, you don't need to worry about downloading or installing any software on your computer. Everything operates directly from your web browser, allowing you to work from anywhere at any time.

The growth and recognition Figma has garnered in the industry are impressive. In 2020, Figma experienced an increase in its user base, with 66% of designers adopting the tool, up from 37% the previous year. Figma's remarkable success is further evident in its impressive valuation of $10 billion in 2022, backed by investments totaling $200 million.

Major industry players like Microsoft, for instance, rely on Figma as a vital component of their design process. The tool's impact has been so significant that Adobe recently announced its agreement to acquire Figma for a staggering $20 billion. This merger of industry leaders will undoubtedly result in a more powerful and collaborative design tool.

10 Advantages of Using Figma

Let's be honest Figma is a powerful design tool that offers many advantages for designers and design teams. Let me show you 10 compelling benefits of using Figma for your project.

Streamlined Collaboration and Improved Efficiency

figma operating system

With real-time collaboration, design sharing, and commenting functionalities, Figma enables designers, developers, stakeholders, and project managers to work together effortlessly, accelerating the product release cycle and fostering effective communication.

Unlike traditional design tools, Figma allows multiple team members to collaborate and view designs simultaneously, just like in Google Docs. This live collaboration capability allows instant feedback, iterative design processes, and accelerated decision-making.

Imagine a design team working on a mobile app interface. UI designers can create designs in real time, while the developer can immediately provide input on the feasibility and implementation of the design elements. This immediate collaboration reduces the time spent on lengthy feedback loops and ensures that the design aligns with development requirements from the early stages of the project.

Also, team members can leave comments directly on the design. This feature eliminates the need for lengthy email threads or separate communication tools, allowing team members to discuss design decisions, provide feedback, and address issues in real time. Figma allows unlimited members in one file, unlike other tools that impose limitations or require additional licenses.

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The Figma responsive design interface allows designers to work with minimal lag or delays, enabling them to focus on the creative process without technical limitations. For instance, when iterating on complex design components or handling large files, Figma's smooth performance ensures that designers can work efficiently without interruptions or frustrations caused by slow loading times or software crashes.

Design Time Optimization and Faster Product Releases

figma product release

The correlation between time saved through Figma's design time optimization and accelerated product releases is evident.

Now, designers can fly through their projects with lightning speed, thanks to Figma's reusable components. Picture a UI designer working on a mobile app. With components in Figma, they can swiftly assemble screens for login, registration, and navigation, all while maintaining a consistent and professional look. This design time optimization unleashes the designer's creative prowess, enabling them to focus on crafting exceptional experiences rather than getting tangled in repetitive tasks. The result? Faster iterations and quicker design turnarounds.

But Figma doesn't stop there. It takes design time optimization to the next level with its design system libraries. Design systems act as the heart of cohesive design, ensuring that every element, from typography to colors and spacing, dances harmoniously across projects. Figma guides designers to create and maintain these design system libraries, offering a central hub for all team members to access and implement the latest design assets. By eliminating the need to scour through files or recreate design elements, Figma empowers designers to rocket through their projects.

Seamless Design Handoff and Development Process

how to use figma to design an app

Figma UX design handoff is the inspection tool. This tool acts as a bridge, facilitating seamless communication between UX/UI designers and developers. With the inspect tool, designers, developers, and other team members can effortlessly inspect, edit, create, and copy components, attributes, and code directly from Figma UI design. The beauty of this feature lies in its simplicity—all it takes is a shared link to the project file, and the design elements become readily accessible.

Sharing a project file's link grants developers access to design assets, comments, prototypes, and design iterations. With Figma, developers can jump into code implementation, eliminating unnecessary back-and-forth communication and expediting the development process.

With Figma's automatic CSS generation, developers can effortlessly extract code snippets directly from the design files. Whether it's CSS, iOS, or Android, Figma displays code snippets for every selected frame or object, providing developers with the necessary information to review and implement the design. This eliminates manual code generation or switching between different tools, streamlining the handoff process and saving time. Additionally, Figma's seamless integration with Zeplin further enhances the collaboration between designers and developers, allowing for more advanced measurements and CSS display if desired.

Version Control and Design Iteration Management

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Maintaining design consistency is a critical aspect of any project, ensuring that the visual language remains cohesive and aligned across various components, screens, and team members. Figma steps up to the plate by offering robust version control and design iteration management features that empower designers to achieve and preserve design consistency effortlessly.

Version control allows them to track, manage, and revert to previous iterations of their work. Figma's version history feature is a reliable timeline that captures every change made to a design file. Designers can explore their Figma products design and review past iterations. This feature acts as a safety net, enabling them to experiment and iterate without fearing losing valuable work or deviating from the established design direction.

Prototyping and User Testing

figma prototyping

Unlike traditional approaches that require switching between different tools, Figma consolidates the entire prototyping workflow within a single platform.

One of the standout features of Figma's prototyping capabilities is its ability to create complex interactions and animations. With options such as overlays, transitions, scrolling, and hovering interactions, designers can craft prototypes that closely resemble the final product. These tools empower designers to create micro-interactions and animations directly within Figma, eliminating the need to rely on external applications like Sketch or InVision. This level of detail allows stakeholders and clients to visualize and experience the design concept in a more tangible way.

Designers can embed live Figma product designs or prototypes in various platforms, including presentations, tutorials, collaborative sessions, and integrations with tools like Coda, Notion, Trello, Jira, Dropbox, and Confluence. Tools like ProtoPie, InVision, and Origami offer more advanced animations with timelines, catering to specific prototyping needs. Nonetheless, Figma remains a leading choice for prototyping, with 54% of UX/UI designers preferring it over other options, according to surveys.

User testing is an integral part of the design process, and Figma provides designers with an automatic layout feature to conduct user testing and gather valuable feedback early on. By creating interactive prototypes, designers can simulate user interactions and workflows, allowing them to observe and analyze user behavior and share tips on how to improve UI/UX at the same time. This process helps identify pain points and uncover usability issues.  

Real-Time Updating

figma backup system real time updating

With Figma's automatic backup system, your projects are safeguarded, and your edits are continuously saved to disk, even if the document becomes disconnected from the server. This means that you can confidently close your tab or encounter unexpected interruptions, knowing that your progress is secure.

Designers can easily track and revert to previous versions of their work, enabling seamless collaboration and exploring different design iterations without fearing irreversible changes.

Figma also offers live embed code snippets, allowing you to share your designs in third-party tools effortlessly. For instance, if you use Confluence to display embedded mockup files, those files are directly linked to the Figma document. Any updates or changes made in Figma UX design are instantly reflected in the embedded Confluence mockup. This real-time updating feature eliminates the need for manual updates and ensures that all stakeholders and team members have access to the most up-to-date designs.

Team Libraries for Design Systems

figma design system

The concept of a "single source of truth" comes to life with Figma's Team Libraries. Once a team library is created, all project members granted access can leverage Figma components within their designs. This ensures that everyone is working with the latest versions, eliminating any confusion or inconsistencies that may arise when using outdated components.

  • Designers can create files dedicated solely to components or use on-page components to organize a pattern library within a single file. Each frame within a Figma page serves as an organizational section in the team library, removing the need for complex hierarchies and simplifying component organization.
  • By providing a centralized repository of components, designers and developers can work together seamlessly, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  • Designers can effortlessly update components within the library, and these changes automatically propagate to all instances across different designs. This eliminates the tedious and time-consuming task of manually updating or in Figma creating components in various files.
  • Designers can easily create variations or new components based on existing ones, enabling rapid iteration and expansion of the design system. Reusing components across projects saves time and effort while maintaining design consistency.

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figma web based

All you need are a web browser and a Figma account to access your projects from any computer running any operating system. You can seamlessly access Figma tools from any device with a web browser and an internet connection. Whether you're using a Mac, Windows PC, Linux machine, or even a Chromebook, Figma is fully compatible.

One of the standout features of Figma's cloud-based nature is its auto-save functionality. Your work is automatically and instantly saved in the cloud as you make changes, eliminating the fear of losing progress due to unexpected crashes or power outages. In addition to its browser-based functionality, Figma also offers dedicated apps for Windows and iOS devices.

Smooth Migration

Switching from one UX/UI design tool to another can often be a daunting task, filled with challenges and concerns about data loss or compatibility issues. However, when migrating to Figma, you can rest assured that the process is smooth, seamless, and hassle-free.

While there isn't a magic "Migrate" button that automatically converts all your components, Figma tool provides a comprehensive set of tools and features to facilitate a successful migration. These include various plugins and drag-and-drop functionality that simplify converting your existing designs and assets.

For designers currently using Sketch, Figma goes even further by offering a dedicated "Import" feature. This feature lets you seamlessly transfer your entire Sketch library, including individual Sketch files, artboards, and symbols, directly into your new Figma account. Figma ensures a smooth transition by preserving the structure and organization of your Sketch files.

Figma's commitment to compatibility extends beyond Sketch. The platform supports various design file formats, allowing designers using different tools to collaborate seamlessly. Whether you're migrating from Adobe XD, Framer, or other design tools, Figma provides the flexibility to import files in their original formats.

Integration with Other Tools

figma integration

The platform seamlessly integrates with popular communication platforms like Microsoft Teams and Slack, allowing teams to share and discuss design files in real time easily. Project management tools like Trello and Jira can also be integrated, enabling teams to connect their design work with project timelines and tasks regardless of different design process methodologies, such as Design Thinking and Lean UX.

When it comes to prototyping and testing, Figma offers integrations with leading prototyping tools such as Flinto, Protopie, and Bubble. Developers also benefit from Figma's integrations, with tools like Zeplin, AWS Amplify Studio, and GitLab facilitating the handoff process by providing accurate design specifications and assets directly to the development team.

Furthermore, Figma provides developer APIs that enable integration with any browser-based application. This capability opens up endless possibilities for custom integrations and real-time displays of design files within other applications. For example, companies like Uber utilize Figma's API to showcase live design files on large screens throughout their offices.

Figma's compatibility and integration capabilities extend to its whiteboard collaboration tool, FigJam. With FigJam, designers can brainstorm ideas, develop workflows, and plan design sprints in a collaborative online whiteboard environment.

Wrapping Up

Figma isn't just your average design tool—it's a design superhero with features, seamless collaboration, and mind-blowing integrations.

Imagine a world where design teams work harmoniously, regardless of their location. Figma brings this vision to life with its web-based platform, empowering you to collaborate effortlessly with teammates from across the globe. No more endless email threads or confusing version control nightmares—Figma's real-time collaboration ensures that everyone is on the same page, unleashing the true power of teamwork.

But Figma doesn't stop there. From its intuitive interface to its powerful prototyping capabilities, Figma equips you with everything you need to bring your wildest design dreams to fruition.

With Figma as your trusted design tool and TechMagic as your reliable and expert partner that provides UX/UI design services, the possibilities are endless. Contact us today to drive product success with Figma.


  1. Is Figma suitable for both individual designers and design teams?

    Absolutely! Figma caters to the needs of both individual designers and design teams. Its flexible features and collaborative capabilities make it a versatile solution for all design scenarios.

  2. Is it possible to integrate Figma with other design or development tools?

    Yes, indeed! Figma product is designed to integrate with other popular design and development tools seamlessly. From communication platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams to prototyping tools like InVision and Protopie, Figma allows you to connect with your preferred tools and enhance your design workflow.

  3. Can Figma be used offline or is it strictly cloud-based?

    Figma operates primarily as a cloud-based design tool that provides real-time collaboration and accessibility across devices and platforms. While an internet connection is generally required to work on Figma, it does offer a limited offline mode that allows you to access and edit your previously opened files without an internet connection.

  4. Is Figma suitable for both UI/UX and graphic designers, or is it more focused on a specific design discipline?

    Figma is designed to cater to various design disciplines, including UI/UX designers and graphic designers. Its versatile feature set makes it suitable for creating user interfaces, interactive prototypes, and visual designs. Whether you're designing websites, mobile apps, icons, illustrations, or any other digital assets, Figma responsive design offer from various backgrounds to collaborate and create stunning visual experiences.

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