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TechMagic Became Top Cloud Computing Services Provider in 2021

Romana Hoekstra
Content Marketing Manager at TechMagic. Mainly focused on content marketing, SEO optimization, and media relations.
TechMagic Became Top Cloud Computing Services Provider in 2021

TechMagic has been chosen as one of the Top Cloud Computing Service Providers of February 2021 according to TopDevelopers.

Cloud computing is developing extremely fast in the last few years. Numerous benefits come from going in the serverless direction that's why many startups and companies are migrating to the cloud. As a result, cloud computing has become one of the essential business services.

We at TechMagic understand it and move forward with modern technological trends. As a result, we are focused on JavaScript development, AWS and Serverless consulting. After many years of experience in building highly-skilled remote dedicated teams for startups and established organizations, we became real gurus in JS development and cloud computing. And now we have one more proof: TechMagic has been chosen as one of the Top Cloud Computing Service Providers of February 2021 according to TopDevelopers!

Top Cloud Computing Services Provider |

"Businesses need to find the right cloud solution provider to lead the business towards the success phase. Proper research about the service provider is mandatory, as every business is different, the storage requirements are different, and most importantly the budget and monetary resources are different as per the size of the organizations.

Our quick evaluation of the top cloud consultants and cloud computing providers found a list of firms more prudent in analyzing the client requirements and offering them the best bespoke cloud-based solutions for business enhancement. And greetings! TechMagic has been chosen as one of the top cloud computing companies of February 2021!,” —mentioned TopDevelopers in their press-release.

"In 2017, we became a Certified AWS Consulting Partner. With paying great attention to professional accreditations for our engineers, we are moving towards the next tiers and future activities with AWS. We are happy to be among Top Cloud Computing Service Providers in 2021,"– comments CEO of TechMagic Oleg Dats.

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