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Penetration testing services

Cloud Penetration Testing Services

Get a comprehensive penetration test for your cloud environment. TechMagic's security experts work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and deliver a meticulous assessment, safeguarding valuable cloud data.
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Safeguard Your Data With Cloud Penetration Testing

Don't let hackers exploit your sensitive information. With cloud penetration tests, security professionals simulate a real-world hacker attack to identify cloud security vulnerabilities and estimate the potential level of damage in the case of a violation. TechMagic's team comprehensively analyzes your accounts and provides recommendations for improving your cloud security posture.

Security risks that cloud penetration testing helps to detect:

incorrect configuration of settings;

unreliable third-party APIs;

insufficient attention to authentication security;

unencrypted information;

inadequate threat monitoring;

missing timely updates;

insecure code.

Our Certificates
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Cloud Pen Testing Services We Provide
Internal penetration testing

During this type of cloud pen testing, we simulate a scenario where an attacker already has access to the organization's internal network, for example, through compromised employee accounts. This test helps to identify possible misconfigurations in IAM permissions and find privilege escalation flows that can be available for an attacker. Conduct an internal penetration test to analyze the security system's effectiveness within the cloud infrastructure.

External cloud penetration testing

Perform external penetration testing to assess the security level of all services within your cloud environment. This process covers cloud-based applications and API security, infrastructure configuration, and storage security. Testers check web applications and APIs for common misconfigurations and resilience to general web vulnerabilities such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), and authentication breaches. They also test cloud infrastructure components such as Amazon EC2 instances, Azure VMs, Google Compute Engine, and cloud storage solutions like Amazon S3 buckets and Azure Blob Storage. Cloud penetration testing helps to understand how attackers might access your data. By addressing security flaws in advance, companies can protect their businesses from costly hacks and build reliable cloud security.

Cloud security audit

During the cloud configuration review, security engineers check cloud services and infrastructure settings for compliance with security standards and industry best practices. Our experts thoroughly analyze the access control and monitoring tools, check cloud storage configurations and network settings, and evaluate the security of serverless and containerized systems. As a result of this audit, the company receives a clear roadmap with actionable recommendations for improving account security.

Internal pen test
External pen test
Cloud security audit

Need more info on cloud pen testing?

Contact us to discuss all benefits of this security testing model for your specific business.

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Discover Our AWS Cloud Penetration Testing Service

AWS penetration testing is one of the key focuses of TechMagic's security team. Our certified specialists possess in-depth knowledge of AWS security best practices and the latest vulnerabilities. By conducting cloud penetration testing with us, you can rely on a meticulous and comprehensive security assessment of your cloud perimeter. We provide the following services:

network penetration testing,

web application penetration testing,

infrastructure security audit.

AWS cloud penetration testing is crucial whether you are migrating data, need regular security checks, or investigating a potential breach. We offer a strategic solution that mitigates risk and ensures the integrity of your cloud environment.

Learn more
Discover Our AWS Cloud 
Penetration Testing Service
Our team
Ihor Sasovets

Ihor Sasovets

Lead Security Engineer

Ihor is a certified security specialist with experience in penetration testing, security testing automation, cloud and mobile security. OWASP API Security Top 10 (2019) contributor. OWASP member since 2018.

Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Victoria Shutenko

Victoria Shutenko

Security Engineer

Victoria is a certified security specialist with a background in penetration testing, security testing automation, AWS cloud. Eager for enhancing software security posture and AWS solutions.

Victoria Shutenko
Victoria Shutenko
Victoria Shutenko
Victoria Shutenko
Victoria Shutenko
Roman Kolodiy

Roman Kolodiy

Director of Cloud & Cybersecurity

Roman is an AWS Expert at TechMagic. Helps teams to improve system reliability, optimise testing efforts, speed up release cycles & build confidence in product quality.

Roman Kolodiy
Roman Kolodiy
Roman Kolodiy
Discover Our Featured Case
Conducting a pentest for a Danish 
software development company
Conducting a pentest for a Danish software development company

See how we helped Coach Solutions improve the security of their web application

Case study
Theis Kvist Kristensenicon

“TechMagic has great collaboration and teamwork. Also a good proactive approach to the task.Everything went as planned and on time.”

Theis Kvist Kristensen


Benefits Of Cloud Penetration Testing
Enhanced Security Posture
Enhanced Security Posture

Cloud environments are changing and evolving rapidly. Adopt a proactive approach to your organization's security. Conduct regular cloud penetration testing after each major update to identify and remediate flaws before they become targets for attackers.

Achieve Compliance Requirements
Achieve Compliance Requirements

Even the most secure companies must conduct regular cloud penetration testing because industry standards and regulations require it. Cloud penetration tests help organizations comply with GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS regulations, avoiding potential legal and financial fines.

Save Costs
Save Costs

Cloud penetration testing is part of cost-effective risk management. Penetration testing costs significantly less than the potential losses from hacker attacks.

Build Trust
Build Trust

By conducting penetration tests regularly, the company is committed to safeguarding clients' most valuable assets — sensitive data. This proactive approach helps build trust with stakeholders and maintain a solid reputation.

Our Cloud Penetration Testing Process

Step 1

Scoping and Planning

We start our work with a detailed analysis of a company's cloud environment, including architecture, critical assets, and specific concerns. We establish clear objectives, define the scope of the pen test, and tailor our strategy to meet the client's needs and regulatory requirements.

Step 2

Vulnerability Assessment

Our cloud penetration testing methodology combines manual testing with some checks performed by the automated tools.. This approach helps to get a comprehensive overview of potential security weaknesses in the cloud infrastructure, such as vulnerabilities in cloud services, improper configurations, and security controls that could be exploited.

Step 3


Cloud penetration testers simulate controlled attacks to exploit identified vulnerabilities, assessing the depth of potential damage, including data access, lateral movement capabilities, and identifying additional flaws. This phase helps in understanding the real-world risks posed by the security gaps.

Step 4

Analysis and Reporting

We provide a detailed report with the results of the pen test. This report includes identified vulnerabilities, exploitation methods used, the potential impact, and recommendations for remediation. We categorize the identified flaws by priority and severity to help organizations determine what they must address first. The insights enable organizations to make informed decisions about where to allocate their security resources most effectively.

Step 5

Final Review

Our services go beyond just cloud security testing. At the last stage, we present the results of our work, emphasizing not only the technical aspects but also showing the client how security gaps can affect business processes. We provide recommendations on the next steps the client should take to maintain and continuously improve a company's cloud security over time.

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Why choose TechMagic For AWS Penetration Testing
Certified security specialists
Certified security specialists

With certifications PenTest+, CEH, eJPT, eWPT, and AWS Security Specialty our team possesses deep expertise and technical skills to identify vulnerabilities and simulate real-world attacks. Our cloud penetration testers leverage the latest advancements in cloud testing methods and tools and continuously refine their expertise through ongoing learning and active participation within the cloud security community.

Security and compliance
Security and compliance

We help our clients ensure that their cloud environments are secure and compliant with custom security solutions, mitigating the risk of data breaches, cloud security flaws, financial losses, and legal liabilities.

Proven track record
Proven track record

We have a proven history of 10+ successful projects, helping clients identify potential threats and provide actionable remediation guidance to protect their critical assets in cloud infrastructure. Our approach to offensive security includes using real-world threat actor tools to create attacks that expose vulnerabilities within the environment.

What is cloud penetration testing?

Cloud penetration testing simulates a hacker attack on systems based on cloud storage. This method allows you to find flaws in the security system and address them before hackers do. Such penetration testing is completely legal and conducted by certified cybersecurity professionals. The test covers network configurations, application and API security, authentication and authorization systems, and data storage security.

How does cloud penetration testing differ from other penetration testing types?

Cloud penetration testing differs from traditional pen testing mainly in the environment where it is conducted. In this case, testers check the strength of security controls in the cloud network. Another difference is that cloud service providers may prohibit pen testing in some cases. For example, AWS, one of the largest cloud providers, prohibits DoS simulation operations or testing outside the scope of ownership, such as testing third-party applications. Security specialists will obtain authorization from the cloud service provider to conduct the test if necessary.

What is the shared responsibility model for cloud pen testing?

The shared responsibility model divides data security obligations in the cloud between the service provider and the customer. Cloud service providers are responsible for the security of physical hardware, software, and networks. The client is responsible for the security of the data and applications hosted in cloud services, as well as the correct configuration of access systems and data encryption. Permission policies for cloud penetration testing may vary depending on the service provider. Therefore, before starting testing, it is necessary to follow the strict guidelines of the cloud providers and obtain the required permissions.

What are the types of cloud computing?

Cloud computing environments differ by deployment type. Private clouds are hosted on the company's hardware, while public clouds provide access to a shared cloud environment. Popular cloud service providers include Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Containers, Kubernetes, and others. Hybrid solutions combine the capabilities of private and public clouds.

Let’s safeguard your project
Ross Kurhanskyilinkedin
Ross Kurhanskyi
VP of business development