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Penetration testing services

Network Penetration Testing Services

Take control of your network security with TechMagic's penetration testing services. Our experts identify weak spots, prioritize risks, and empower you to take action. Invest in robust defense, demonstrating your commitment to data security and building trust with customers and partners.
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Expose Network Vulnerabilities with Penetration Testing Services

Our comprehensive penetration testing services help safeguard your organization across all attack vectors. We offer testing for external systems, internal networks, web applications, and mobile applications. Timely detection of security vulnerabilities helps prevent hacks and loss of valuable information and funds. Penetration testing can provide insights into significantly strengthening your network's security mechanisms, protecting it from potential breaches, and ensuring data integrity.

Expose Network Vulnerabilities with Penetration Testing Services
Our Certificates
Industry recognition 1
Industry recognition 2
Industry recognition 3
Industry recognition 4
Industry recognition 5
Industry recognition 6
Industries We Perform Penetration Tests For


FinTech companies handle some of the most sensitive data — account numbers, financial holdings, and personal information — and a single breach can have catastrophic consequences. Penetration tests help uncover vulnerabilities in online banking platforms, payment gateways, and internal systems before attackers can exploit them. This proactive approach safeguards financial assets, protects customer trust, and helps maintain compliance with regulations like PCI DSS.



The healthcare sector relies heavily on Electronic Health Records (EHR) to store and manage sensitive patient data. Network penetration test plays a vital role in ensuring the security of these critical systems. These tests help identify weaknesses in hospital networks, cloud-based EHR systems, and connected medical devices by simulating real-world attack scenarios. By conducting regular pen testing, you can safeguard patient privacy, comply with HIPAA regulations, and foster trust with patients.



MarTech companies often handle large amounts of customer data, including email addresses, browsing behavior, and purchasing habits. Network penetration testing is crucial for MarTech to identify security vulnerabilities in their marketing automation platforms, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and data analytics tools. We help you prevent data breaches that could harm customer privacy and lead to fines for non-compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR.

HR Tech

HR Tech

Network pen testing is essential for HR Tech to safeguard sensitive employee data, including payroll information, performance reviews, and health records. We identify weaknesses in applicant tracking systems (ATS), employee onboarding platforms, and internal HR databases through pen testing. With regular security testing, you minimize the risk of breaches that could lead to identity loss.

Your industry

Your industry

Network penetration testing emerges as a powerful help for organizations of all sizes and industries. By proactively identifying and addressing security flaws, network penetration test helps to strengthen your company's security, safeguarding sensitive data, preventing costly breaches, and fostering trust with clients and stakeholders.

Our Network Penetration Testing Services

External Network Penetration Testing Services

Our security team evaluates an organization's external-facing assets, such as websites servers, email servers, and firewalls, from an attacker's perspective during external penetration testing. Organizations should conduct this test to prevent cyber attacks that lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, or service disruptions. Conducting pen tests after deploying new internet-facing services or significant changes in external network configurations is crucial.

Internal Penetration Testing Services

Internal pen test aims to assess the security from within the organization, simulating an attack by an insider or an attacker who has bypassed external defenses. This type of testing is vital for detecting vulnerabilities that could be exploited once the outer security perimeter is compromised, including weak internal network segmentations, insufficient access controls, or privileges misuse. Regular testing helps maintain a strong security posture against insider threats and sophisticated external attackers.

What We Check During Network Penetration Testing
Network Infrastructure
Network Infrastructure

A misconfigured firewall could allow unauthorized access to private network resources. We rigorously evaluate the security of your network configurations, including firewalls, routers, and switches.

System Configurations
System Configurations

We check operating systems, applications, and services for outdated elements without current security patches. Web services will be vulnerable to exploitation without addressing such flaws in time.

Security Policies and Procedures
Security Policies and Procedures

Attackers can compromise user accounts through weak password policies. Our assessment includes a thorough security assessment of your organization's policies and procedures.

Encryption Practices
Encryption Practices

We check the strength of the encryption protocols on your network, identifying vulnerabilities, such as outdated SSL protocols, that can leave your system vulnerable to intruders.

Third-Party Integrations
Third-Party Integrations

Many networks use third-party services and APIs. We check these existing integrations for security to ensure these services do not cause data leaks.

Network Infrastructure
System Configurations
Security Policies and Procedures
Encryption Practices
Third-Party Integrations

Tools We Use

Burp Suite
Burp Suite
Kali Linux
Kali Linux
Parrot Security
Parrot Security
Penetration Testing Types We Provide
Black Box

Black box penetration testing mimics the actions of an external intruder with no prior knowledge of your network. Penetration testers employ security tools and techniques to discover weaknesses in exposed services, web applications, and other entry points. Black box testing provides a realistic assessment of your network's resilience against external threats.

Gray Box

Gray box penetration testing offers a middle ground. Testers operate with limited knowledge of your network, similar to an attacker who might have obtained partial information. This method assesses your company's defenses against attackers with some insider knowledge, focusing on vulnerabilities exploitable through social engineering or compromised credentials. Gray box testing provides a balanced approach, offering realistic attack scenarios and efficient vulnerability identification.

White Box

During white box penetration testing, testers fully disclose your network architecture, access credentials, and configuration settings. This comprehensive approach allows for meticulously examining potential vulnerabilities across your system, including application logic, software dependencies, and internal controls. White box testing is ideal for achieving maximum security coverage.

Our team
Ihor Sasovets

Ihor Sasovets

Lead Security Engineer

Ihor is a certified security specialist with experience in penetration testing, security testing automation, cloud and mobile security. OWASP API Security Top 10 (2019) contributor. OWASP member since 2018.

Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Victoria Shutenko

Victoria Shutenko

Security Engineer

Victoria is a certified security specialist with a background in penetration testing, security testing automation, AWS cloud. Eager for enhancing software security posture and AWS solutions.

Victoria Shutenko
Victoria Shutenko
Victoria Shutenko
Victoria Shutenko
Victoria Shutenko
Roman Kolodiy

Roman Kolodiy

Director of Cloud & Cybersecurity

Roman is an AWS Expert at TechMagic. Helps teams to improve system reliability, optimise testing efforts, speed up release cycles & build confidence in product quality.

Roman Kolodiy
Roman Kolodiy
Roman Kolodiy

Need More Info On Network Pen testing?

Contact us to discuss all benefits of this security testing model for your specific business.

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Discover Our Featured Case
Conducting a pentest for a Danish 
software development company
Conducting a pentest for a Danish software development company

See how we helped Coach Solutions improve the security of their web application

Case study
Theis Kvist Kristensenicon

“TechMagic has great collaboration and teamwork. Also a good proactive approach to the task.Everything went as planned and on time.”

Theis Kvist Kristensen


Network Penetration Testing Process

Step 1

Scoping and Planning

We start our work with a detailed analysis of a company's network environment, including architecture, critical assets, and connected applications. Depending on the organization's needs, we establish clear objectives, define the scope of the pen test, and tailor our strategy to achieve the goals set and meet regulatory requirements.

Step 2

Vulnerability Assessment

After collecting all the necessary information, testers start checking for vulnerabilities. We use a manual testing methodology involving some automated tools. This combined approach allows us to conduct an in-depth system analysis without missing essential details.

Step 3


At this stage, the team exploits the vulnerabilities found to gain unauthorized access to the network and sensitive data. We assess the severity of the identified vulnerabilities and understand the consequences of their exploitation by hackers. Such testing is conducted in a controlled environment according to approved methodologies and does not cause any threats or disruption of business processes.

Step 4

Analysis and Reporting

After the test, our security engineers prepare a detailed report for you with the methods used, vulnerabilities found, and possible risks that may occur due to the security gaps identified. But we do not stop at a technical description. You receive a detailed roadmap with step-by-step recommendations, organized by priorities, for strengthening the security of your network.

Step 5

Final Review

Our services go beyond just network security testing. At the last stage, we present the results of our work, emphasizing not only the technical aspects but also showing the client how security gaps can affect business processes. We provide recommendations on the next steps the client should take to maintain and continuously improve a company network security over time.

Discover what kind of pentest reports you will receive
Get the pentest report sample in your inbox
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Benefits Of Network Penetration Test
Uncover Network Entry Points

Penetration testers act as ethical hackers, employing real-world attack techniques to scrutinize your firewalls, servers, and network configurations. This process uncovers weaknesses in network perimeter defenses, such as misconfigured access controls or unpatched vulnerabilities, preventing intruders from gaining a presence in your system.

Identify Internal Network Vulnerabilities

A robust defense extends beyond the perimeter. Network penetration testing goes beyond external threats, delving into your internal network segmentation. It exposes security gaps like weak internal firewalls or unauthorized access controls for sensitive data, preventing lateral movement within your network even if an attacker breaches the initial defenses.

Prioritize Remediation Efforts

Penetration testers report not only about identified vulnerabilities but also prioritize them based on their potential impact on specific network segments or critical systems. It allows you to focus your resources on addressing the most essential weaknesses first, optimizing your security posture efficiently.

Meet Regulatory Compliance

Many industries have strict data security regulations. Penetration testing firms provide documented evidence of your commitment to compliance, helping you avoid potential fines and legal consequences.

Greater Confidence and Trust

By proactively addressing technical vulnerabilities you can foster a more secure and trustworthy environment for your clients, partners, and stakeholders. This approach helps build confidence and strengthens your overall business reputation.

Why Choose TechMagic for Network Penetration Testing
Certified security specialists
Certified security specialists

With certifications PenTest+, CEH, eJPT, eWPT, and AWS Security Specialty our team possesses deep expertise and technical skills to identify vulnerabilities and simulate real-world attacks. Our experienced penetration testers leverage the latest advancements in penetration testing methods and continuously refine their knowledge through ongoing learning and active participation within the security community.

Security and compliance
Security and compliance

We help our clients ensure their networks are secure and compliant with custom security solutions, mitigating the risk of data breaches, security flaws, financial losses, and legal liabilities.

Proven track record
Proven track record

We have a proven history of 10+ successful projects, helping clients identify potential threats and provide actionable remediation guidance to protect their businesses. Our approach to offensive security includes using real-world threat actor tools to create attacks that expose vulnerabilities within the environment.

How often should I conduct network penetration testing?

The frequency of penetration tests depends on your industry, risk profile, and regulatory requirements. Generally, we recommend conducting pen testing annually and after significant network changes or security incidents. Cybersecurity professionals can help you determine the optimal schedule for your company.

How long does a network penetration test take?

The timeframe for preparation, testing, and reporting typically falls between two weeks and a month for a one-time web application test. Work duration depends on the scope of work, the complexity of the application, and your specific needs.

Will network penetration testing disrupt my business operations?

You experience no significant downtime during our penetration tests. We work to ensure minimal impact on your everyday workflow. Before starting work, we communicate with the customer, analyze the possibilities for testing, and consider all their requests and concerns. For example, we can test large networks gradually, based on priority.

What happens after the network penetration test is completed?

After pen testing, you receive a detailed report outlining security vulnerabilities, potential impact, and recommended remediation steps. We actively guide and support you throughout the process, helping prioritize vulnerabilities based on severity and risks and ensuring efficient remediation. Also, we advise how to strengthen your cyber security measures to prevent future attacks.

Is network penetration testing compliant with industry regulations?

Penetration testing does not disrupt any industry standards. Instead, certifications in many areas require continuous network penetration testing. For example, penetration testing is among the requirements of such standards as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and ISO 27001, which are essential for businesses working with vulnerable data.

How much do network penetration testing services cost?

The cost of network pen testing services can vary based on several factors:
  • the scope of the test,
  • the size of the network,
  • and the expertise of the testing team.

Discussing your specific needs with a service provider to get a more accurate estimate is essential. Contact us about your request. We will provide all the necessary information about the cost of the service.

Is my sensitive data safe during the testing process?

Absolutely. Keeping your data safe is our priority. Penetration testing service providers sign an NDA with the client before starting penetration testing as proof acknowledging the importance of confidentiality. During our work, penetration testers use only proven methods and security tools to detect vulnerabilities.

Do I need an in-house IT team to benefit from network penetration testing services?

No. Penetration testing can be outsourced without losing quality. TechMagic, as a network penetration testing company, provides comprehensive services, guiding you through the entire process, from initial scoping to post-test remediation recommendations.

How do I get started with TechMagic's network pen testing services?

Contact us to discuss your project and tailor a testing plan to optimize your network security.

Let’s safeguard your project
Ross Kurhanskyilinkedin
Ross Kurhanskyi
VP of business development